Thunder, Lightning & Fireworks

If you have pets that are scared of thunder, it is important to be aware of how to help them through storms. Make sure that your pet has a safe place to hide, like a crate, closet, or under the bed. Play calming music and use comforting words to help reduce their anxiety.
Pets and lightning can be a tricky combination, as some animals can be easily frightened by loud noises and bright flashes. However, there are a few ways to keep your pet safe during thunderstorms. Make sure to keep your pet indoors and provide a safe, comforting space during the storm. Try playing soothing music or white noise to help distract them from the noise outside. It can also be beneficial to provide them with a blanket or toy to help them feel secure. Finally, make sure to stay calm and provide lots of love and reassurance.
It is important to remember that pets can be scared or startled by loud noises, such as fireworks. To keep your pets safe, it is best to keep them inside when fireworks are being used. To help ease their fear, you can also turn on a fan or a white noise machine to help muffle the sound of the fireworks. If your pet is scared, try giving them a distraction by playing with them or giving them a special treat.